SaaS business

updated on:

17 Sep



100 SaaS Solopreneur Ideas No One Has Built Yet


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How to launch a SaaS business? Everything starts with an idea. As the digital landscape evolves, the opportunities for solopreneurs to carve out a niche in the SaaS market have never been more promising. At Eleken, we have helped quite a lot of new entrepreneurs build their MVPs. So, we keep up with the trends – and we're happy to share our knowledge.

First things first, you have to understand that unique startup ideas are overrated. You don't have to come up with a brilliant brand new idea (because let's be honest the chances are someone at least tried to do it before) – you just need to do it right. 

Competitive SaaS markets are not a barrier but an opportunity to solve problems for small, vertical niches with streamlined structures.

Identify poorly designed products that people complain about and improve them for a small niche (since your resources are limited). This approach worked for companies like Linear and Slack, who started by addressing internal email issues, and it's a common strategy for many successful businesses.

You can achieve similar success with our list of ideas.

1. Virtual Event Management Platform

Demand opportunities: With the rise of remote work and virtual events, a platform that manages virtual conferences, meetups, and webinars can be a lucrative niche. 

Challenges: Competing with established players requires a unique selling point, such as integrating AI to optimize event schedules or providing immersive virtual environments.

2. Freelancer Bookkeeping Service

Demand opportunities: Many freelancers need efficient ways to manage their finances. A specialized bookkeeping service that caters specifically to freelancers can fill this gap. 

Challenges: Ensuring the platform is user-friendly and integrates seamlessly with various payment systems and tax regulations.

3. Remote Team Collaboration Tool

Demand opportunities: As remote work becomes more common, tools that facilitate seamless team collaboration are in high demand. 

Challenges: Differentiating from giants like Slack and Microsoft Teams requires innovative features, such as advanced project tracking or AI-driven productivity analytics. Still you can create a micro-SaaS to cater to a very specific audience – and this will be your selling point.

4. AI-Powered Email Sorting Tool

Demand opportunities: Overwhelmed by email clutter, businesses and individuals alike seek solutions for more efficient email management. 

Challenges: Developing robust AI that accurately categorizes and prioritizes emails without extensive manual input.

5. Customizable Invoice Generator

Demand opportunities: Small businesses and freelancers need customizable invoicing solutions that can adapt to various industries and client requirements. 

Challenges: Ensuring security and compliance with financial regulations while providing a highly customizable interface.

6. Subscription Box Management Software

Demand opportunities: With the popularity of subscription boxes, a platform that manages subscriptions, renewals, and customer preferences can be a game-changer. 

Challenges: Integrating with diverse e-commerce platforms and providing a seamless user experience.

7. Remote Job Board for Niche Markets

Demand opportunities: Specific industries need tailored job boards that cater to their unique requirements, such as remote healthcare jobs or remote creative gigs. 

Challenges: Building a dedicated user base and attracting both job seekers and employers to the platform.

8. Virtual Personal Shopping Assistant

Demand opportunities: Busy professionals and online shoppers need personalized shopping assistance that can help them find products that match their tastes and needs. 

Challenges: Developing a sophisticated AI that understands and predicts user preferences accurately.

9. Localized On-Demand Delivery Service

Demand opportunities: Hyperlocal delivery services tailored to specific neighborhoods or communities can meet the increasing demand for quick and reliable delivery. 

Challenges: Managing logistics and ensuring timely deliveries in a cost-effective manner.

10. Smart Home Device Management App

Demand opportunities: As smart homes become more prevalent, a centralized app that manages various devices from different brands can simplify user experiences. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility with a wide range of devices and maintaining high security standards.

11. Gamified Language Learning App

Duolingo characters

Demand opportunities: Language learners seek engaging and effective ways to improve their skills. A gamified platform can make learning fun and interactive. 

Challenges: Creating high-quality content and ensuring that the gamification elements enhance rather than distract from the learning process. You will be competing with giants like Duolingo but there's still chances to do something unique. 

12. Eco-Friendly Product Marketplace

Demand opportunities: Consumers are increasingly looking for eco-friendly products, creating a demand for a marketplace that specializes in sustainable goods. 

Challenges: Sourcing reliable vendors and ensuring product authenticity and quality.

13. Pet Care Service Scheduler

Demand opportunities: Pet owners need convenient ways to schedule grooming, vet visits, and other services for their pets. Without the need for high customization and AI integration will, the cost of such an MVP will be lower than many other options.

Challenges: Integrating with various service providers and ensuring user-friendly scheduling features. 

14. Virtual Fitness Trainer App

Demand opportunities: Fitness enthusiasts seek personalized training programs that they can follow from home. A virtual trainer app can cater to this need. 

Challenges: Providing high-quality, customizable workout plans and ensuring user engagement through interactive features.

15. Personal Finance & Budgeting Tool

Demand opportunities: Individuals need efficient ways to track their spending and manage their finances. A comprehensive finance tracker can offer insights and budgeting tools. 

Challenges: Ensuring data security and providing accurate, user-friendly financial analysis tools.

16. Recipe Sharing and Meal Planning App

Demand opportunities: Home cooks and food enthusiasts need platforms to share recipes and plan meals efficiently. A well-designed app can cater to this community. 

Challenges: Ensuring a user-friendly interface and incorporating features like nutritional information, grocery lists, and customizable meal plans.

17. AI-Based Resume Builder

Demand opportunities: Job seekers are always looking for ways to stand out. An AI-powered resume builder can help create polished, personalized resumes. 

Challenges: Ensuring the AI produces high-quality, industry-specific content and keeps up with current resume trends.

18. Virtual Networking Platform for Professionals

Demand opportunities: Professionals need platforms to network and connect with industry peers virtually. A dedicated networking platform can facilitate meaningful connections. 

Challenges: Building a robust and engaging platform that encourages user interaction and provides valuable networking opportunities.

19. Online Learning Platform for Vocational Skills

Demand opportunities: There is a growing demand for platforms offering vocational skills training. An online learning platform can cater to this need by providing courses on various trades and skills. 

Challenges: Creating high-quality, engaging content and ensuring the platform remains up-to-date with industry standards.

20. Customized Gift Recommendation Service

Demand opportunities: People often struggle to find the perfect gift. A service that offers personalized gift recommendations based on recipient preferences can fill this gap. 

Challenges: Developing an effective recommendation algorithm and establishing partnerships with gift suppliers.

21. Freelancer Project Management Tool

Demand opportunities: Freelancers need tools to manage their projects, clients, and deadlines. A specialized project management tool can help streamline their workflow. 

Challenges: Creating an intuitive interface and integrating features like time tracking, invoicing, and client communication.

22. Home Repair Scheduler

Demand opportunities: Homeowners often need help scheduling and managing maintenance and repair tasks. An app that facilitates this can be very useful. 

Challenges: Coordinating with service providers and ensuring timely and reliable service delivery.

23. Health Tracking and Wellness App

Demand opportunities: Health-conscious individuals are looking for ways to track their wellness activities. A comprehensive health tracking app can offer features like fitness tracking, diet monitoring, and mental health resources. 

Challenges: Ensuring data accuracy and providing personalized recommendations based on user input.

24. Localized Services Marketplace

Demand opportunities: There is a need for platforms that connect local service providers with potential customers. A localized marketplace can cater to various services like home cleaning, tutoring, and personal training. 

Challenges: Building a reliable network of service providers and ensuring quality control.

25. AI-Based Content Creation Tool

Demand opportunities: Content creators and marketers need efficient ways to generate high-quality content. An AI-powered tool can help automate this process. 

Challenges: Ensuring the AI produces unique, relevant, and engaging content that meets user needs.

26. Virtual Assistant for Daily Tasks

Demand opportunities: Busy individuals often need help managing their daily tasks. A virtual assistant app can provide reminders, task management, and even personal recommendations. 

Challenges: Developing a highly functional AI that understands and adapts to user preferences.

27. Subject-Specific Online Tutoring

Demand opportunities: Students need help with specific subjects outside of regular school hours. An online tutoring platform can provide expert assistance in these areas. 

Challenges: Recruiting qualified tutors and ensuring the platform offers a seamless learning experience.

28. Digital Business Card Creator

Demand opportunities: Professionals need modern ways to share their contact information. A digital business card creator can help them create and share virtual cards easily. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility across various devices and maintaining a user-friendly design.

29. Neighborhood Community App

Demand opportunities: Local communities need platforms to connect and share information. A neighborhood app can facilitate communication, event planning, and resource sharing. 

Challenges: Building a strong user base and ensuring the app remains relevant and engaging for the community.

30. Automated Social Media Posting Tool

Demand opportunities: Businesses and individuals need efficient ways to manage their social media presence. An automated posting tool can schedule and manage posts across multiple platforms. 

Challenges: Ensuring seamless integration with various social media networks and providing useful analytics.

31. Personalized Travel Itinerary Planner

Demand opportunities: Travelers often need help planning their trips. A personalized itinerary planner can offer tailored travel plans based on user preferences. 

Challenges: Integrating with travel services and providing up-to-date information.

32. Online Plant Care Guide and Marketplace

Demand opportunities: Plant enthusiasts need resources and products for plant care. A comprehensive guide and marketplace can cater to this audience. 

Challenges: Ensuring the accuracy of care information and building partnerships with plant suppliers.

33. Home Workout and Diet Planner

Demand opportunities: Fitness enthusiasts are looking for ways to maintain their routines at home. A home workout and diet planner app can provide structured plans and nutritional advice. 

Challenges: Offering personalized plans and ensuring the app remains engaging and effective.

34. Remote Tech Support Service

Demand opportunities: Individuals and businesses need reliable tech support services. A remote tech support platform can provide assistance for various technical issues. 

Challenges: Ensuring quick and effective problem resolution and maintaining high customer satisfaction.

35. Local Experience Booking Platform

Demand opportunities: Travelers and locals alike seek unique experiences in their area. A booking platform can connect them with local guides and activities. 

Challenges: Curating a diverse range of experiences and ensuring seamless booking and payment processes.

36. Personalized News Aggregator

Demand opportunities: Readers want personalized news that caters to their interests. A news aggregator can provide customized news feeds. 

Challenges: Aggregating high-quality content and ensuring the algorithm accurately reflects user preferences.

37. Virtual Closet and Outfit Planner

Demand opportunities: Fashion enthusiasts need tools to manage their wardrobe and plan outfits. A virtual closet app can help them organize and plan their attire. 

Challenges: Creating a visually appealing and user-friendly interface and integrating with fashion retail platforms.

38. Home Energy Management System

Demand opportunities: Homeowners are looking for ways to optimize their energy usage. A home energy management system can provide insights and control over energy consumption. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility with various home devices and providing accurate energy-saving recommendations.

39. AI-Powered Customer Service Chatbot

Demand opportunities: Businesses need efficient ways to manage customer service. An AI-powered chatbot can handle common inquiries and improve customer satisfaction. 

Challenges: Developing a sophisticated AI that understands and responds to customer queries accurately.

40. Handmade Goods Marketplace

Demand opportunities: Artisans and crafters need platforms to sell their handmade products. An online marketplace can connect them with buyers who appreciate unique, handcrafted items. 

Challenges: Building a community of sellers and ensuring a smooth shopping experience for buyers.

41. Automated Contract Management Tool

Demand opportunities: Businesses need efficient ways to manage contracts. An automated tool can help create, track, and store contracts securely. 

Challenges: Ensuring legal compliance and providing robust security features.

42. Fitness and Wellness Challenge Platform

Demand opportunities: Fitness enthusiasts enjoy participating in challenges. A platform that hosts various wellness challenges can engage users and promote healthy habits. 

Challenges: Creating engaging challenges and ensuring user participation and motivation.

43. Virtual Tour Guide Service

Demand opportunities: Travelers seek immersive experiences. A virtual tour guide service can provide detailed tours of popular destinations. 

Challenges: Creating high-quality virtual tours and ensuring a seamless user experience.

44. Event Ticket Management App

Demand opportunities: Event organizers need tools to manage ticket sales and attendance. An app can streamline these processes and provide real-time analytics. 

Challenges: Integrating with payment systems and providing a user-friendly interface.

45. Local Volunteer Matching Platform

Demand opportunities: Communities need platforms to connect volunteers with local opportunities. A matching platform can facilitate volunteer engagement. 

Challenges: Building a robust network of organizations and volunteers and ensuring effective matching.

46. Pet Adoption and Care Platform

Ad for pet adoption

Demand opportunities: Animal lovers need resources for pet adoption and care. A platform can provide adoption listings and care guides. 

Challenges: Ensuring accurate and up-to-date listings and building partnerships with shelters and rescues.

47. Mobile App for Language Exchange

Demand opportunities: Language learners seek conversational practice. An app can connect users for language exchange sessions. 

Challenges: Ensuring a safe and engaging platform for users to interact.

48. Remote Healthcare Consultation Service

Demand opportunities: Patients need access to healthcare professionals remotely. A consultation service can provide medical advice and support. 

Challenges: Ensuring privacy and security of patient information and providing reliable healthcare professionals.

49. Virtual Art Gallery and Marketplace

Demand opportunities: Artists need platforms to showcase and sell their work. A virtual gallery can provide exposure and sales opportunities. 

Challenges: Creating an engaging virtual experience and ensuring smooth transactions.

50. Customizable Diet and Meal Prep Planner

Demand opportunities: Health-conscious individuals need tools to plan their diets. A customizable planner can provide personalized meal plans and recipes. 

Challenges: Ensuring nutritional accuracy and user engagement.

51. Digital Art Commission Platform

Demand opportunities: Digital artists need platforms to find commission work. An online platform can connect them with clients seeking custom artwork. 

Challenges: Building a reliable network of artists and clients and ensuring smooth project management.

52. AI-Based Stock Market Analysis Tool

Demand opportunities: Investors need advanced tools to analyze stock market trends. An AI-powered tool can provide insights and predictions. 

Challenges: Ensuring data accuracy and developing reliable predictive algorithms.

53. Home Office Setup Planner

Demand opportunities: Remote workers need help setting up efficient home offices. A planner can provide layout suggestions and product recommendations. 

Challenges: Providing personalized and practical setup advice.

54. Digital Time Capsule Service

Demand opportunities: Individuals seek ways to preserve memories and messages for the future. A digital time capsule service can store and deliver these at specified times. When it comes to more original apps, don't forget to validate your idea first. 

Challenges: Ensuring data security and reliable long-term storage.

55. Online Music Lesson Platform

Demand opportunities: Aspiring musicians need platforms for learning music. An online lesson platform can connect them with tutors and provide structured lessons. 

Challenges: Recruiting qualified tutors and providing an engaging learning experience.

56. HR for Recruiters

Demand opportunities: Recruiters need tools to streamline their hiring processes. An HR platform can provide applicant tracking, interview scheduling, and analytics. 

Challenges: Integrating with existing HR systems and ensuring user-friendliness.

57. Rare Freelance Professions Marketplace

Demand opportunities: Niche professionals need platforms to find freelance work. A marketplace can connect them with clients seeking specialized skills. 

Challenges: Building a community of niche professionals and ensuring reliable job listings.

58. Small Business Financial Management

Demand opportunities: Small business owners need tools to manage their finances efficiently. A financial management platform can provide budgeting, invoicing, and reporting features. 

Challenges: Ensuring compliance with financial regulations and providing accurate financial insights.

59. All-in-One Hub for Agencies

Demand opportunities: Agencies need comprehensive tools to manage their operations. An all-in-one hub can provide project management, client communication, and billing features. 

Challenges: Offering a versatile and intuitive platform that meets the diverse needs of agencies.

60. Cloud-Based B2B Solution for Restaurants

Demand opportunities: Restaurants need efficient ways to manage their operations. A cloud-based solution can provide inventory management, order tracking, and customer relationship management. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility with restaurant systems and providing reliable support.

61. Task Automation Tool for Freelancers

Demand opportunities: Freelancers need tools to automate repetitive tasks. A task automation tool can streamline their workflow and save time. 

Challenges: Developing a versatile and easy-to-use automation tool.

62. Content Consolidation Platform for Educators

Demand opportunities: Educators need platforms to organize and share educational content. A consolidation platform can provide centralized access to resources and collaboration tools. 

Challenges: Ensuring content quality and providing user-friendly collaboration features.

63. Local Food Sourcing for Restaurants

Demand opportunities: Small restaurants need reliable sources for local ingredients. A connector platform can link them with local farmers and suppliers. 

Challenges: Building a network of suppliers and ensuring timely and reliable delivery.

64. Real-Time Service Feedback Tool

Demand opportunities: Service businesses need ways to collect and analyze customer feedback. A real-time feedback tool can provide valuable insights for improvement. 

Challenges: Ensuring data accuracy and providing actionable insights.

65. Student Learning Plan Generator

Demand opportunities: Students need customized learning plans to meet their individual needs. A plan generator can provide tailored educational paths. 

Challenges: Ensuring the plans are effective and adaptable to different learning styles.

66. Virtual Wellness Coach for SMBs

Demand opportunities: Small businesses need ways to support employee wellness. A virtual coach can provide personalized health plans and resources. 

Challenges: Ensuring the effectiveness of wellness programs and maintaining employee engagement.

67. Online Marketplace for Upcycled Goods

Demand opportunities: Consumers seek sustainable products. An online marketplace for upcycled goods can connect them with eco-friendly products. 

Challenges: Sourcing high-quality upcycled products and ensuring product authenticity.

68. DIY Legal Document Assistant for Startups

Demand opportunities: Startups need affordable legal assistance. A DIY document assistant can provide templates and guidance for legal documentation. 

Challenges: Ensuring legal compliance and providing user-friendly templates.

69. Local Event Discovery App

Demand opportunities: Communities need platforms to discover and plan local events. An event discovery app can provide information on various local activities. 

Challenges: Building a comprehensive database of events and ensuring user engagement.

70. App Developer Beta Testing Hub

Demand Opportunities: App developers need platforms to gather feedback and test their apps. A beta testing hub can connect them with users willing to test and provide feedback. 

Challenges: Building a community of testers and ensuring valuable feedback.

71. Snippet Saver for Developers

Demand opportunities: Developers need tools to save and organize code snippets. A snippet saver can provide a centralized repository for code snippets. 

Challenges: Ensuring ease of use and integration with development environments.

72. Cloud Config Validator

Demand opportunities: Cloud-based services need tools to validate configurations. A cloud config validator can ensure configurations are correct and secure. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility with various cloud services and providing accurate validation.

73. Code Formatter

Demand opportunities: Developers need tools to format code according to style guides. A code formatter can provide consistent code formatting. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility with various programming languages and development environments.

74. Git Repo Visualizer

Demand opportunities: Developers need tools to visualize Git repositories. A repo visualizer can provide insights into the structure and history of repositories. 

Challenges: Providing accurate and intuitive visualizations.

75. API Mockup Tool

Demand opportunities: Developers need tools to create API mockups for testing. An API mockup tool can provide realistic API responses for development and testing. 

Challenges: Ensuring ease of use and compatibility with various APIs.

76. Coding Challenge Generator

Demand opportunities: Educators and recruiters need tools to generate coding challenges. A challenge generator can provide customized coding problems for various skill levels. 

Challenges: Creating high-quality and diverse coding challenges.

77. Tech Stack Planner

Demand opportunities: Startups need tools to plan their technology stack. A tech stack planner can provide recommendations and resources for building a tech stack. 

Challenges: Ensuring the recommendations are relevant and up-to-date.

78. Browser Extension DevKit

Demand opportunities: Developers need tools to create browser extensions. A devkit can provide resources and templates for extension development. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility with various browsers and providing comprehensive development resources.

79. Regex Builder

Demand Opportunities: Developers need tools to create and test regular expressions. A regex builder can provide a user-friendly interface for regex creation. 

Challenges: Ensuring ease of use and providing accurate regex testing.

80. DB Query Optimizer

Demand opportunities: Database administrators need tools to optimize queries. A query optimizer can provide recommendations for improving query performance. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility with various database systems and providing accurate optimization recommendations.

81. Niche Trend Spotter

Demand opportunities: Entrepreneurs need tools to spot trends in specific niches. A trend spotter can provide insights into emerging trends and opportunities. 

Challenges: Ensuring data accuracy and providing actionable insights.

82. Hashtag Performance Tracker

Demand opportunities: Social media managers need tools to track hashtag performance. A performance tracker can provide insights into hashtag effectiveness. 

Challenges: Ensuring data accuracy and providing useful analytics.

83. Personalized Marketing Planner

Demand opportunities: Businesses need tools to create personalized marketing plans. A marketing planner can provide tailored strategies based on user data. 

Challenges: Ensuring the recommendations are effective and relevant to the business.

84. Micro Influencer Identifier

Demand opportunities: Businesses need tools to identify micro influencers for marketing campaigns. An identifier can provide a database of relevant influencers. 

Challenges: Ensuring the accuracy of influencer data and providing useful recommendations.

85. Keyword Density Analyzer

Demand opportunities: Content creators need tools to analyze keyword density. A density analyzer can provide insights into keyword usage and optimization. 

Challenges: Ensuring accuracy and providing useful recommendations for content optimization.

86. Email Campaign Previewer

Demand opportunities: Marketers need tools to preview email campaigns. A campaign previewer can provide insights into how emails will appear on various devices. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility with various email clients and providing accurate previews.

87. Competitor Ad Spy

Demand opportunities: Businesses need tools to analyze competitor ads. An ad spy tool can provide insights into competitor advertising strategies. 

Challenges: Ensuring data accuracy and providing useful analytics.

88. Budget Optimizer for PPC Ads

Demand opportunities: Marketers need tools to optimize their PPC ad budgets. A budget optimizer can provide recommendations for improving ad spend efficiency. 

Challenges: Ensuring the recommendations are effective and relevant to the business.

89. Micro Copywriting Assistant

Demand opportunities: Content creators need tools to improve their micro copy. An assistant can provide recommendations for creating effective micro copy. 

Challenges: Ensuring the recommendations are relevant and engaging.

90. Simple CRM for Freelancers

Demand opportunities: Freelancers need simple tools to manage their client relationships. A CRM can provide contact management, communication tracking, and invoicing features. 

Challenges: Ensuring ease of use and providing relevant features for freelancers.

91. Micro Stock Photo Marketplace

Demand opportunities: Content creators need access to high-quality stock photos. A micro marketplace can provide affordable and diverse stock photos. 

Challenges: Building a reliable network of photographers and ensuring high-quality images.

92. Design Feedback Tool

Demand opportunities: Designers need tools to collect and manage feedback. A feedback tool can provide a centralized platform for receiving and organizing feedback. 

Challenges: Ensuring ease of use and providing useful features for designers.

93. Logo Preview Tool

Demand opportunities: Businesses need tools to preview their logos. A preview tool can provide insights into how logos will appear on various materials. 

Challenges: Ensuring compatibility with various design formats and providing accurate previews.

94. Font Pairing Generator

Demand opportunities: Designers need tools to find complementary font pairings. A generator can provide recommendations for effective font combinations. 

Challenges: Ensuring the recommendations are aesthetically pleasing and relevant.

95. Color Palette Extractor

Demand opportunities: Designers need tools to extract color palettes from images. An extractor can provide accurate color codes and palettes. 

Challenges: Ensuring accuracy and providing useful features for designers.

96. Interactive Resume Builder for Designers

Demand opportunities: Designers need tools to create interactive resumes. A resume builder can provide customizable templates and interactive features. 

Challenges: Ensuring ease of use and providing engaging and visually appealing templates.

97. Social Media Graphic Generator

Demand opportunities: Social media managers need tools to create engaging graphics. A graphic generator can provide templates and design elements for social media posts. 

Challenges: Ensuring ease of use and providing high-quality design resources.

98. Digital Design Asset Marketplace

Demand opportunities: Designers need platforms to buy and sell digital design assets. A marketplace can provide a wide range of design resources. 

Challenges: Building a reliable network of sellers and ensuring high-quality assets.

99. Website Mockup Tool

Demand opportunities: Web designers need tools to create website mockups. A mockup tool can provide templates and design elements for website prototypes. 

Challenges: Ensuring ease of use and providing high-quality design resources.

100. UX Feedback Collector

Demand opportunities: UX designers need tools to collect user feedback. A feedback collector can provide insights into user experiences and preferences. 

Challenges: Ensuring ease of use and providing actionable insights for UX improvements.

Need Design Help?

Eleken, with its extensive experience in developing SaaS applications, can help you bring these ideas to life. Our blog post hopefully brought you some fresh ideas. If you are ready to take the next step, we can also help you with developing an MVP.

Ready to start? Contact us today and let's bring your idea to life.

written by:
Stan Murash

Content writer at Eleken, blending over 8 years of experience in marketing and design. In collaboration with seasoned UI/UX designers, shares insights on SaaS businesses.

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