SaaS business

updated on:

12 Sep



30 Best SaaS Website Examples (of Startups Making $1M+)


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Are you a SaaS founder aiming to hit that revenue milestone but struggling to create THE landing page? Being a UI/UX design agency with unprecedented expertise — 9+ years of designing for SaaS, we’ve analyzed thirty best SaaS websites, making between $1M and $10M in revenue to uncover the powerful strategies that can turn your site into a revenue-generating machine.

So, what exactly will you get with all these SaaS examples, except a great dose of inspiration? We've analyzed each B2B website, using the SWOT framework to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, and presented this information both concisely and in detail. 

SWOT analysis explained used to analyze best SaaS website examples

But before we proceed, we should ask: What's the big deal about SaaS home pages?

The importance of a landing page for SaaS success

Imagine you're trying to sell lemonade on a busy street. Your landing page is like your lemonade stand – it's the first thing potential customers see. Just as a colorful, eye-catching stand with a clear menu would attract more people, a good SaaS website grabs visitors' attention and tells them exactly what your SaaS product does.

Here's why it's so important:

  • First impressions count. It's your chance to make potential customers say "Wow, this looks cool!"
  • Explains your product. It quickly shows what problem your software solves, like "Never lose track of your tasks again!"
  • Convinces people to try. A great landing page persuades visitors to sign up for a free trial or buy your product.
  • Boosts conversions. A well-designed page turns more visitors into paying customers, like a friendly smile sells more lemonade.

To make all of the above-mentioned benefits true for your B2B site it has to have clear headline, simple explanations in easy-to-understand language, eye-catching design, intuitive navigation, clear CTAs


Reflect b2b site design example with dark theme

Visit website

  • Startup description: AI-powered note-taking app that helps users capture, organize, and securely store thoughts, ideas, and information across devices.
  • Year founded: 2021
  • What’s to steal/what works well: beautiful futuristic animations
  • Areas for improvement: work on main CTA button


  • Elegant and futuristic design: the dark theme with glowing, neon accent gives the page a modern, tech-forward feel, which aligns well with the product's focus on AI and innovation.
  • Video of product onboarding: right below the main title that communicates the value proposition visitors can view Reflect onboarding showing how the product’s real look in action. 
  • Structured content layout: information is presented in clear sections with icons and brief descriptions, making it easy to scan and digest.
  • Visual Appeal: The use of animated visuals and futuristic graphics enhances engagement and creates a memorable aesthetic experience.


  1. Heavy use of dark theme: while the design is visually striking, the heavy use of dark tones and neon may make it difficult for some users to read comfortably, especially in bright environments.
  2. Lack of CTA in hero section. This fact might reduce immediate engagement from users who are ready to act, as the hero section is usually the first point of interaction. Most visitors expect to see a clear action (e.g., "Start Free Trial," "Get Started") right away, and the absence of this could lead to missed conversion opportunities.
  3. Information density: although the visual design is compelling, some users might benefit from a slightly more detailed explanation of certain features. For example, terms like "networked notes" and "frictionless search" could be accompanied by brief tooltips or examples to ensure instant comprehension for first-time visitors.


  1. Expand Use Cases: Including specific case studies or user stories (e.g., how writers, researchers, or business professionals use Reflect) would showcase the versatility of the platform.
  2. Enhanced Mobile Experience: Ensuring that the design adapts flawlessly to mobile and tablet devices could improve accessibility and reach a wider audience, especially for on-the-go note-takers.

Reflect’s home page successfully communicates its futuristic, AI-powered capabilities with a sleek and modern design. However, introducing interactive elements, a more detailed explanation of the product’s features, and case studies would greatly improve user engagement and understanding. The strong visual style, though striking, could be adjusted to improve readability in various lighting environments.

Lindy AI

Visit website

  • Startup description: platform that enables users to build AI-powered automations without coding
  • Year founded: 2020
  • What’s to steal/what works well: clean UI, readable content
  • Areas for improvement: add engaging elements and user testimonials


  • Clear value proposition: The homepage immediately communicates the core benefit: "Build AI automations in minutes." It's concise and impactful.
  • Clean and modern UI: The design is clean with ample white space, making the content easy to read. The use of color is subtle, enhancing the professional tone.
  • Feature highlights: The page clearly explains the product’s capabilities, including integrations and automation features. This helps users quickly understand how Lindy AI works.
  • Integration display: Showing over 3,000+ integrations builds credibility and showcases flexibility for various use cases.
  • Human touch: mention of keeping “a human in the loop” is reassuring, as it balances automation with human oversight.


  • Limited visual hierarchy: some sections, like the integrations and event-based triggers, could benefit from stronger visual separation to guide the user’s eye more effectively.
  • Lack of engaging elements: while the site boasts a clean design and appealing color palette, it lacks dynamic content such as product demos or animations. 
  • Minimal social proof: there's no visible customer testimonials, case studies, or logos of notable customers, which might reduce trust for first-time visitors.


  • Expand on use cases: the site could introduce more real-life examples or case studies showing how Lindy AI automations have helped companies, creating a more relatable narrative.
  • Interactive demos: offering interactive demos or previews of AI automations in action would be an engaging way to showcase product capabilities.
  • Improved feature comparisons: A clearer breakdown of Lindy AI’s unique features compared to competitors could help convince potential customers why Lindy stands out.

In summary, Lindy AI's homepage has a solid foundation with a strong value proposition and clean design, but can improve through stronger visual hierarchy, more social proof, and interactive elements to engage users further.


Visit website 

  • Startup description: financial platform designed to help ecommerce entrepreneurs manage their finances, streamline payments, and optimize online advertising
  • Year founded: 2020
  • What’s to steal/what works well: nice design with interesting accents
  • Areas for improvement: get rid of overwhelming information


  • Clear niche focus: the tagline, “The financial platform made for ecommerce,” clearly defines the target audience and the product’s focus, which helps attract the right users.
  • Professional design: black-and-white color scheme with subtle green accents conveys a modern, premium feel. It’s visually appealing and easy to navigate.
  • Comprehensive feature display: the page showcases key features such as business accounts, analytics, and advertising cards, making the offering well-rounded and informative.
  • Social proof: including testimonials and images of real users helps build trust, especially with entrepreneurs and business owners who are looking for proven solutions.


  • Lack of strong CTA focus: the call-to-action buttons could stand out more. The primary CTA (“Try Incard”) blends into the design and may not be as attention-grabbing as it should be.
  • Overwhelming Information: some sections, like the feature comparisons and integrations, are text-heavy, which could overwhelm users, particularly those skimming the page. More concise messaging would improve scannability.
  • Limited visual differentiation: while the design is clean, there’s a lack of strong visual breaks between sections. More contrast or distinct section designs would help users quickly digest the information.


  • Emphasize benefits over features: the homepage can benefit from highlighting how each feature specifically helps the target audience (e.g., “How this platform helps ecommerce entrepreneurs increase revenue or reduce costs”).
  • Incorporate more interactive elements: adding interactive demos or micro-interactions (e.g., hover effects) could engage users more deeply and allow them to experience the platform’s value before signing up.

Incard’s homepage is visually sleek, professional, and tailored to its ecommerce audience, but there are opportunities to enhance the user journey with stronger CTAs, better benefit-driven messaging, and more detailed user stories. More interaction and clearer distinctions between content sections could also further improve user engagement.


Visit website

  • Startup description: platform that provides scalable Bitcoin and Lightning Network infrastructure for developers to build blockchain-based applications.
  • Year founded: 2020
  • What’s to steal/what works well: nice design with interesting accents
  • Areas for improvement: get rid of overwhelming information


  • Clear value proposition: the headline “Build on Bitcoin, instantly” communicates the core offering immediately, making it clear what the platform provides and who it is for.
  • Developer-focused features: the layout showcases key features like APIs, nodes, and payment integrations, catering directly to developers and technical users, which is the intended audience.
  • Strong call-to-action: the "Get Started" button and other CTAs are well-placed, clear, and easy to find, encouraging user engagement.


  • Complex jargon for newcomers: the technical language may overwhelm non-developers or users unfamiliar with the blockchain ecosystem, potentially limiting the broader appeal.
  • Overloaded visuals: some sections feel cluttered with too much information, making it harder for users to digest the content quickly. The dense text could benefit from more whitespace or concise messaging.
  • Limited social proof: while the platform highlights features and functionality, it lacks sufficient testimonials, case studies, or well-known brand logos to strengthen credibility.


  • Simplify messaging for a broader audience: introducing more accessible language for less technical users or offering beginner guides could help attract a wider range of users, including startups or businesses looking to explore Bitcoin and Lightning Network solutions.
  • Showcase success stories: highlighting customer success stories, especially from notable businesses or developers, would provide stronger validation of the platform’s value.

Voltage’s homepage does an excellent job of targeting its core audience (developers and Bitcoin enthusiasts) with relevant features and CTAs. However, simplifying the messaging for a broader audience, adding more social proof, and improving content scannability could enhance user experience and broaden its appeal.


Visit website

  • Startup description: AI-powered tool that organizes meeting notes, action items, and automates follow-ups to enhance productivity.
  • Year founded: 2023
  • What’s to steal/what works well: clean design
  • Areas for improvement: add visual engagement


  • Clear value proposition: the tagline “Unbelievably good notes” is great – its concise yet informative. It immediately tells users what to expect and is followed by a prominent CTA.
  • Nice use of white space: the generous use of white space allows the information to be easily comprehended, gives the page a clean, modern look, and lets the content "breathe," improving readability and overall user experience.
  • Visual explanation of features the combination of text and visuals throughout the page effectively explains key features, making it easier for users to understand the benefits at a glance.
  • Trust signals: the logos of well-known companies (like Deloitte and Y Combinator) and customer testimonials are prominently placed and build credibility and trust.


  • Limited visual engagement: although the page has clean visuals, it could benefit from more interactive elements like demo videos or live previews of the product in action to further engage visitors.
  • Repetitive layout: Some sections have a similar format and could use more visual variety to maintain user interest and attention throughout the page.


  • Interactive product demos: Adding interactive product demos or animated walkthroughs of the note-taking and action-item processes could help potential users better visualize how the tool works.
  • Expand use cases: The website could incorporate more detailed case studies or specific examples of how different industries or roles (e.g., sales teams, project managers) use Circleback, showcasing its versatility.

Circleback’s home page effectively conveys trust and product capabilities, but it could benefit from more interactive elements and detailed use cases to better engage users and convert them into customers. Expanding beyond static visuals and focusing on dynamic storytelling would further enhance user engagement.


Visit website

  • Startup description: data enrichment platform that helps businesses scale personalized outreach
  • Year founded: 2017
  • What’s to steal/what works well: visual hierarchy, illustrations style
  • Areas for improvement: get rid of overwhelming information


  • Clear value proposition: The headline clearly communicates the product’s benefit—personalized outreach through data enrichment. It’s straightforward and immediately conveys the value.
  • Effective visual hierarchy: The use of large fonts, bold colors, and clear sections breaks the page into digestible parts, guiding the user’s eye to important areas such as the call-to-action (CTA).
  • Strong social proof: Prominent logos of well-known companies and testimonials from satisfied customers enhance trust and credibility.
  • Interactive element for data integration info: The site highlights connections to over 75+ data providersusing very creative and engaging table.


  • The page is text-heavy: starting with the hero section and scrolling down to specific blocks, the site seems overwhelmed with information.
  • Horizontal scroll in “How it works” block: its quite long and visitors can’t skipp it making the experience a bit annoying.


  • Declutter the site in terms of text: the current design, while informative, presents a significant amount of text that may overwhelm visitors. Streamlining the content by reducing its amount or using expandable sections could improve readability and user engagement. 
  • Add videos to testimonials: current design of customer testimonials block is also text-heave with no highlights. Shortening them, incorporating video format or making some accents could create a better narrative around the product’s impact.
  • More focus on mobile optimization: If not already implemented, ensuring that the mobile experience is as smooth and clear as the desktop version is critical for user engagement.

Clay’s home page effectively conveys the product’s value proposition and builds trust through customer logos and testimonials. However, the site could benefit from more detailed explanations, use cases, and interactive demos to better engage users and convert them into customers.


Visit website

  • Startup description: AI assistant developed by Anthropic, designed to assist with tasks like advanced reasoning, coding, and multilingual processing.
  • Year founded: 2023
  • What’s to steal/what works well: clear layout and the use of illustrations
  • Areas for improvement: add interactive elements or product animations


  • Clear and minimalist layout: The design uses a clean, modern look with ample negative space, making the information easy to digest.
  • Clear brand identity: consistent use of color scheme and typography reinforces brand identity throughout the page.
  • Highlight of key capabilities: The section explaining Claude’s capabilities (e.g., Advanced reasoning, Vision analysis) is concise and visually supported by simple icons, making it easy for users to grasp the main features.
  • Trust and security messaging: The "Why Claude?" section strongly emphasizes security and reliability, which is crucial for attracting enterprise clients.
  • Mobile-friendly access: The section about "Take Claude with you" encourages users to utilize the mobile app, enhancing accessibility.


  • Limited above-the-fold content: the hero section could benefit from more engaging content or a clearer value proposition to immediately capture user interest.
  • Text-heavy sections: Some areas, particularly in the "Why Claude?" section, contain dense text and links to other Claude’s resources that may overwhelm users or discourage reading.
  • Limited interactivity: The page lacks interactive elements that could demonstrate Claude's capabilities directly to users.


  • Expand content with case studies: Though you can read detailed case studies on a separate page, integrating client testimonials or use cases on the home page could enhance trust and showcase product versatility.
  • Interactive demos: Incorporating interactive demos or AI-powered chatbot experiences on the home page could better demonstrate the product’s value directly to visitors.
  • Enhanced visual storytelling: Adding product animation or a short introductory video about Claude’s features could improve user engagement and comprehension.

While Claude’s home page has a solid, clean design with a professional focus, adding more dynamic elements could increase engagement and conversion.

written by:
Kateryna Mayka

Senior content writer at Eleken UI/UX design agency. Kateryna has 4 years of experience translating complex design concepts into accessible content for SaaS businesses.

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